Discover the Dark Side of Prenatals

How the Most Recommended Products Actually Decrease Fertility, Compromise Your Health and Lead to Unhealthy Children

When it comes to prenatal vitamins, most women assume they are doing the best for their health and the health of their developing baby.

After all, prenatal supplements are marketed as essential for a healthy pregnancy. And doctors across the country are recommending them every day.

But not all prenatal vitamins are created equal. In fact, many of the most popular over-the-counter options contain ingredients that may do more harm than good. Are you at risk?

Inside this important report, you'll discover...

  • What "they" won't tell you about Vitamin A, which forms are best for your growing baby and how to make sure you're getting the right amount in the most absorbable forms.
  • Why cyanide (!!) can be found in many of the most popular prenatal supplements on the market. Does your prenatal have this toxic ingredient? You'll discover what to check for.
  • All about folic acid, why it's such a problem for many women and has been linked to several health issues, including cancer. This is especially important for anyone with the MTHFR mutation.

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Dark Side of Prenatals